Trump Says ‘Very Hard to Concede’ if Electoral College Votes for Biden, Alleges ‘Massive Fraud’

Trump Says ‘Very Hard to Concede’ if Electoral College Votes for Biden, Alleges ‘Massive Fraud’
President Donald Trump speaks in the Diplomatic Room of the White House in Washington, on Nov. 26, 2020. (Erin Schaff/Pool/Getty Images)
Mimi Nguyen Ly

President Donald Trump said that it would be hard to concede the 2020 presidential race if the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden.

When asked about what he will do if the Electoral College elects Biden, Trump said, “It’s going to be a very hard thing to concede, because we know there was massive fraud.”

“So as to whether or not I can get this apparatus moving this quickly—because time isn’t on our side, everything else is on our side—facts are on our side. This was a massive fraud. It should have never taken place in this country,” he told reporters at the White House.

The president was taking questions from reporters after a Thanksgiving Day teleconference with representatives of the armed forces.

When asked by a reporter about whether he could concede if electoral college votes favor Biden, Trump said that “if they do [vote for Biden], they made a mistake because this election was a fraud ... So no, I can’t say that at all. I think it’s a possibility.”

“I mean, they have Biden beating Obama, on Obama’s vote, in areas that mattered in terms of the election in swing states,” he added. “And yet he’s losing to Obama all over the place but he’s beating Obama in swing states, which are the states that matter for purposes of the election.”

Another reporter later asked Trump that if the Electoral College does elect Biden, “are you not going to leave this building?” referring to the White House.

“Certainly I will, and you know that,” the president responded. “But I think that there will be a lot of things happening between now and the 20th of January, a lot of things. Massive fraud has been found.

“We’re like a third world country,” he said. “We’re using computer equipment that can be hacked. They talk about glitches, how many glitches did they find? ... In all cases, the votes went from Trump to Biden, they didn’t go from Biden, the glitches would never from Biden to Trump.

“I’m not saying we caught 23 dead people ... We have 10s of thousands votes more than we need in all cases,” he went on to say. “So I think you’re gonna see something. I think it’s going to be a very big story ... It’s the most important story of our time.”

When asked about declaring his candidacy for 2024, Trump responded, “I don’t want to talk about 2024 yet because this is far from [being over]. A lot of it came out—if you look at the Philadelphia meeting, if you look at the Pennsylvania meeting yesterday—a lot of it came out. This has a long way to go.”

He contended, “You’re going to find tremendous fraud, you’re going to find fraud of hundreds of thousands of votes per state ... There’s no way that Biden got 80 million votes, by the way. The only way he got 80 million votes is through a massive fraud.”

He said of Biden, “I don’t think it’s right he’s trying to pick a cabinet.”

Trump also expressed that he is “very worried” as to whether or not Georgia’s Senate run-off election, set to take place on Jan. 5, would be legitimate. He said that he told Republican senators Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) “you have a fraudulent system.”

“You have a system with the flick of a switch, or the putting in a new chip, can change the course of history. And you have to be very careful,” Trump said.

“I think it’s very dangerous for the two people,” he said of the situation facing the two candidates, adding that an alleged fraudulent system is ”very dangerous for our nation.”

Trump told reporters he will travel to Georgia on Saturday to campaign for Loeffler and Perdue.