Italian Angler Feels ‘Tremendous’ Tug on Line, Reels In Record Catfish Over 9 Feet Long From River Po

Italian Angler Feels ‘Tremendous’ Tug on Line, Reels In Record Catfish Over 9 Feet Long From River Po
Courtesy of Alessandro Biancardi

An experienced Italian angler who recently reeled in a mammoth catfish is awaiting confirmation whether it is a world record after his hefty catch measured over 9 feet long (approx. 2.7 meters).

Building contractor and pro-staffer at Madcat Fishing Alessandro Biancardi, 43, from Ostiglia in Mantua province, Italy, caught a monster catfish on May 25. The angling enthusiast with 23 years’ experience dips his line every single day and reeled in his personal best before 10 a.m. while fishing alone at his local River Po following a flood.

Biancardi shows off his catfish, measuring over 9 feet long (approx. 2.7 meters). (Courtesy of <a href="">Alessandro Biancardi</a>)
Biancardi shows off his catfish, measuring over 9 feet long (approx. 2.7 meters). Courtesy of Alessandro Biancardi

“I was on the river in a swirl of water,” Biancardi told The Epoch Times. “I started casting my artificial rubber lure. ... At a certain moment, I felt a tremendous bite, and immediately after it started a real battle in the middle of the river.

“It took a good 45 minutes to fight this prehistoric fish. I found it very difficult.

“I got carried away by the swollen river, encountering submerged obstacles such as rocks and plants, but luck turned on my side and wanted the fish not to get stuck in the obstacles.”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Alessandro Biancardi</a>)

With his expert knowledge of the river, Biancardi managed to haul the huge wels catfish to the surface by himself and was shocked by its true size.

“I already understood from how it pulled that something was different than usual,” he said, “but when I saw it emerge I was amazed by this specimen. My adrenaline started pumping. Luckily, I managed to stay calm, even if the catfish wanted to free itself at all costs!”

Biancardi told Madcat that he tried “gloving” the catfish’s mouth two or three times, but it was simply too strong. Instead, he retreated to shallow waters and beached the fish on the muddy riverbank.
(Courtesy of <a href="">Alessandro Biancardi</a>)
(Courtesy of <a href="">Alessandro Biancardi</a>)

Biancardi then had to swim about a hundred meters out to his boat to retrieve his phone. He called his friend Marco, who rushed to the riverside and was “speechless” upon arrival. Together, they called the local wels fishing camp, and 10 anglers arrived to attest to the catfish’s measurement of 285 centimeters—over 9 feet long.

“I know all the previous records perfectly,” Biancardi said. “When we saw this measurement we all screamed with happiness, because the previous record was 281 centimeters [approx. 110 inches] by some German guys.” Their catch came from the same river.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Alessandro Biancardi</a>)
Madcat shared footage of Biancardi with his catfish on Instagram, captioning, “Alessandro’s huge kitten beats the previous world record by 4 centimeters [1.57 inches] and the fish is a result of 23 years of hard work!

“Documentation was sent to the IGFA [International Game Fish Association] so they could officially record this large fish.

“Although this procedure takes some time, what matters to us is that our consultant captured the largest catfish ever.”

With the monster fish caught, measured, and photographed, Biancardi ceremoniously released the beast back into the river without weighing it and further stressing the fish. He credits his specialized gear—a Madcat rod, a Savage Gear SGS8 8000 reel, and a prototype 0.50mm braided line—and the local fishing community for their role in the momentous catch.

(Courtesy of Alessandro Biancardi)

“People have reacted, going crazy for this catch that has been around the world, and everyone writes me compliments,” he said. “I feel like a VIP.”

Biancardi began specializing in catfish after catching his first one from the River Po. While catfish remain his favorite, he also fishes for carp and pike. The angler’s future goal is to star in a fishing show on television.

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