Stray Dogs Know This Shop Prepares Free Meals, So They Wait Patiently for Their Turn

Stray Dogs Know This Shop Prepares Free Meals, So They Wait Patiently for Their Turn
(Courtesy of Gerardo Reyes Ortiz)
Anna Mason

Gerardo Ortiz’s mother taught him to always help those most in need. So when a hungry, stray dog appeared at his restaurant, Ajilalo, one night hoping for a scrap of food, Ortiz did what many other people would not do.

Instead of chasing her away, the young Peruvian gave the overjoyed dog a meal. Unsurprisingly, the unloved animal appeared the following evening, and many more afterward.

Word must have gone round about the tasty, free meals. Since that first night six years ago, other dogs have shown up at that place of kindness in the city of Lima, and Ortiz never fails to feed them and provide them with water.

“I love to help animals and people—it fills my soul,“ he said. ”We won’t take anything with us when we leave this world, so let’s share what little or however much we have—and let’s respect the animals, end animal abuse.”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Gerardo Reyes Ortiz</a>)
(Courtesy of Gerardo Reyes Ortiz)
(Courtesy of Gerardo Reyes Ortiz)

“My inspiration was always my mother and still is,” he said. “She does the same with people and dogs. We also bring homeless people to our place and provide them with food.”

The small restaurant does a good trade in typically Peruvian meat-based dishes, including anticucho, rachi, and mollejitas, plus sweetbread. “We share with them the food we sell, and sometimes there are people who donate croquettes and we also share them,” Ortiz said.

For this passionate chef and small business owner, sharing what he has with others is the best feeling.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Gerardo Reyes Ortiz</a>)
(Courtesy of Gerardo Reyes Ortiz)

With increasing numbers of strays on Peru’s streets, one of the patrons of Restaurant Ajilalo has adopted six dogs herself. When Ortiz and his team have enough, they donate food to her, too.

Ortiz, who aspired to run his own business since he was young, says his mother encouraged him to help due to her own concern for abandoned dogs in the country’s capital.

“Ever since I was a child I loved animals—my mother instilled that in me. As a child, I fed the dogs that passed by our home,” he said.

Princesa, the very first dog with the hungry look who showed up six years ago, sadly died of cancer. But not before she was adopted by an animal lover in the neighborhood, and given a comfortable home.

“She always arrived at the same time”, said Ortiz, remembering her. “She was practically the one who took care of us, and all our clients knew her.”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Gerardo Reyes Ortiz</a>)
(Courtesy of Gerardo Reyes Ortiz)

Ortiz and his staff’s acts of kindness have attracted followers on social networks keen to reach out and commend their good deeds. Even his customers are full of praise seeing how the restaurant staff feeds the hungry canine visitors.

“Thank God we have always had the full support of our customers,” he said.

At the moment, Restaurant Ajilalo is running out of rented premises, but Ortiz is gradually working toward purchasing his own building.

“With effort and dedication, I know I will achieve it,” Ortiz said determinedly.

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Anna Mason is a writer based in England. She majored in literature and specializes in human interest, travel, lifestyle and content marketing. Anna enjoys storytelling, adventures, the Balearic sunshine and the Yorkshire rain.
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