Mama Bear Performs Acrobatics to Get Food From Bird Feeder for Her 2 Cubs—And the Video Is Unbelievable

Mama Bear Performs Acrobatics to Get Food From Bird Feeder for Her 2 Cubs—And the Video Is Unbelievable
(Screenshot: Viralhog)
Epoch Inspired Staff

A couple visiting their friend’s cabin in Colorado woke up one early morning to enjoy the view outside when they looked up on the hillside and saw a “brown fuzzy animal making some commotion.”

What they witnessed was a mother bear looking to grab breakfast for herself and her cubs. A ruckus followed as the bear performed a feat of acrobatics to access the seeds from a birdfeeder.

They caught the incredible sight on camera.

(Video credit: Viralhog)

Initially, they had no idea what they were looking at. The sight looked so bizarre, they couldn’t even tell the animal was, in fact, a bear.

“I chuckled to myself, thinking, ‘That is a really fat deer!’” Beth Chiles said.

Then all of a sudden, whatever it was stood up—it was a bear!

(Screenshot: Viralhog)
(Screenshot: Viralhog)
(Screenshot: Viralhog)
(Screenshot: Viralhog)

“I ran inside to wake up my husband and kids so they could see it,” she said. “When we came back out to the porch, leaving the cabin door open in case we need to make a quick escape, the bear started to crawl down the hill towards the cabin with two cute little cubs following right behind her.”

When it got to a nearby tree, about 30 feet from where they were watching from the porch, it attempted to reach the bird feeder with its claws, but to no avail.

“She decided to climb it with the cubs following suit,” Chiles said. “After making several acrobatic moves to get to the bird feeder, she finally climbed out on the branch upside down, bending it toward the ground.”

When the branch finally broke, she and her hungry cubs were able to get the bird seeds.

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Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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