What Is the Proper Way to Organize a Refrigerator?

What Is the Proper Way to Organize a Refrigerator?
Transparent, stackable, labelled containers can help you organize categories of groceries like cheeses into one container. (Ello/Unsplash)
Anne Johnson

You reach into the refrigerator and can’t find what you’re looking for; it’s a disorganized mess. You need better access to your food. And you need to be able to tell what’s expired and what’s still good.

It can seem overwhelming to organize when every shelf in your refrigerator is full. So, how do you make the best use of these shelves and organize your refrigerator?

How Do I Organize My Refrigerator for Better Food Storage?

To start organizing your refrigerator, begin by taking inventory. Check the expiration date and throw out what is old. You’ll want to give each food a category.

What foods do you reach for the most? These should be at eye level. Also, note what foods are close to expiration or should be eaten immediately. If you have leftovers, you don’t want them at the back of the refrigerator shelf.

Purchase as many acrylic storage containers and stackable bins as your refrigerator can hold. Measure the fridge to make sure they all fit. You want the containers to be transparent so you know exactly what you have. Adjust each shelf to accommodate the containers and bins.

Make sure you prepare your groceries before putting them in the fridge. Take what you can from its packaging and place them in the containers. You want to label your “go to” containers, like cheese and lunchmeat, but don’t over label them since groceries change.

Finally, and most importantly, keep your refrigerator clean.

What Should Be Stored in the Bottom Drawer of the Fridge?

Raw vegetables, like salad, kale, and broccoli should be stored in one of the bottom drawers. Set the humidity level to high. The closed drawer helps seal in the moisture.
Fruit should not be in the same drawer as vegetables because fruit emits ethylene gas. This gives it a tendency to rot and will induce rotting in your vegetables. Fruit needs a low-humidity crisper. Open the vent to allow the gas to escape.

What Should Go on the Top Shelf of the Fridge?

You want ready-to-eat foods on the refrigerator’s top shelf. This includes leftovers. When you organize your refrigerator, place any opened food like sandwiches or cheese on the top shelf. The goal is to keep these opened food items away from raw food. Raw food consists of uncooked meat and vegetables.

Where Do You Put Milk in the Fridge?

When you organize your refrigerator, consider where to place the milk. Fresh milk needs to be stored at 40 degrees F. If it’s not, it will quickly spoil. It also should not be on the upper shelf.
Place milk on the bottom shelf toward the back of the refrigerator. That’s because, despite the airflow in your refrigerator, the bottom shelf will be the coldest.
This is because heat rises, even in a refrigerator. That makes the upper shelf a little warmer. Your milk will probably be above the required temperature and more prone to going bad quickly.

What Food Items Should You Not Store in the Door of the Fridge?

Most refrigerators run at 40 degrees F, although there are some slight variations depending on the shelf.

But the door is another subject since it is opened and closed all day. This keeps it from maintaining or even reaching the necessary 40 degrees. In addition, there are some foods you should never place on the door shelves.

Milk should never be stored in the refrigerator door. The milk will be regularly exposed to warm temperatures and this could promote bacteria growth.

The refrigerator door cannot control the humidity level like a crisper. That’s why fruits and vegetables shouldn’t be stored in the door. Keep them in the lower drawers.

The inconsistent door temperature can also harm and promote spoiling in raw meat and poultry. But beyond spoilage, there is the risk of cross-contamination. Juices can leak out of raw meat and poultry packaging. This could create a salmonella nightmare. Avoid this by keeping this food on the bottom shelf.

Despite some older refrigerators featuring an egg tray in the door, eggs shouldn’t be kept there. Instead, store your eggs on an inside shelf when you organize your refrigerator. That’s because they also must have a consistent 40-degree temperature. Keep the eggs in the original carton.
And finally, you shouldn’t store cheese in the refrigerator door.

Should You Cover Everything in the Fridge

All foods in a refrigerator should be covered regardless of what shelf they’re on. That’s because most food is prone to drying out. They could also absorb unpleasant odors.
You also risk cross-contamination if you don’t have your food covered. This doesn’t just mean meat juices dripping on food; it could also mean dripping condensation. Condensation may happen if your refrigerator doesn’t have a balanced temperature.

Place all your food in various containers or wrap it. Although seldom done, maintain freshness longer by wrapping your vegetables and salads.

Organize your refrigerator to keep food fresh longer, and a by-product of this organization will be your peace of mind. You’ll now be able to find everything quickly when you’re in a hurry.

Anne Johnson was a commercial property & casualty insurance agent for nine years. She was also licensed in health and life insurance. Anne went on to own an advertising agency where she worked with businesses. She has been writing about personal finance for ten years.
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