Membranous Nephropathy After COVID-19 Vaccination

Membranous Nephropathy After COVID-19 Vaccination
(Magic mine/Shutterstock)
Dr. Peter A. McCullough
John Leake

On my last flight I was searching for a seat and a kind woman who appeared to recognize me, smiled at an open seat next to her. I sat down and learned she is married to a prominent government official with whom she was traveling. As we talked she told me her story of taking one of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and then developing membranous nephropathy.

This is a disorder caused by auto-antibodies directed against the phospholipase A2 receptor on podocytes, which are critical cells in the kidney’s filtration apparatus. Membranous nephropathy like so many side effects is due to the Spike protein and can occur with SARS-CoV-2 infection and with vaccination.

While the majority of cases reported by Ma et al had partial recoveries, the prognosis remains uncertain. I was delighted to see this woman sitting with her husband in the gallery of the Kennedy Caucus Room at the recent US Senate Roundtable chaired by Senator Ron Johnson on December 7, 2022.

How much more will we learn over time about long-term safety of the COVID-19 vaccines taken by nearly two thirds of the world’s population? The potential enormity of disease and disability in the future is unfathomable.

Reposted from the author’s Substack


Ma Q, Li X, Xu G. New-Onset and Relapsed Membranous Nephropathy post SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Vaccination. Viruses. 2022 Sep 28;14(10):2143. doi: 10.3390/v14102143. PMID: 36298697; PMCID: PMC9611660.