At 53, Rida Rafiq’s journey through menopause was complex, marred by a misdiagnosis of severe acid reflux. She began suffering from episodes of burning sensations that spread from her abdomen to her neck and arms, accompanied by weight loss, anxiety, and depression. Despite numerous medical interventions, including endoscopies and emergency care, relief remained elusive until a hormonal test revealed the true culprit—menopause.
Menstruation’s End: A New Phase Begins
For many women, the thought of ending their monthly menstrual cycle seems like a welcome respite. Picture it—no more searching for a tampon or pad, waving goodbye to cramps, and bidding farewell to the infamous PMS (premenstrual syndrome) mood swings. It’s a vision of liberation—but the reality of menopause is often far more complex.“Menopause isn’t just the cessation of periods. It’s a significant biological shift,” Dr. Holly Thacker, menopause expert and professor at Cleveland Clinic, told The Epoch Times. While it might mean the end of menstruation, it’s the beginning of something else—a phase where the body redefines itself in the absence of the reproductive hormones it’s relied on for so long. “You never go through it—you just enter it,” she shared.
Menopause and its precursor, perimenopause, mark significant shifts in a woman’s body, characterized by the ovaries’ reduced production of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are crucial not only for reproduction but also for overall health.
Dr. Wen Shen, director of the menopause consultation service at Johns Hopkins, emphasizes the extensive impact of estrogen on various bodily systems, including cardiovascular, skeletal, immune, gastrointestinal, and neurological functions.
A Spectrum of Symptoms
Navigating menopause can be a unique experience for every woman. For most, the telltale signs begin in perimenopause, the phase leading up to menopause. Within four to five years of entering menopause, around 80 percent of women notice their symptoms become mild or disappear-however, about 20 percent experience symptoms for a decade or more.Vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep disturbances are the most prevalent symptoms of menopause, impacting up to three-quarters of women. These particular symptoms frequently lead women to seek medical advice, and they typically persist for an average of 7.4 years.
11 Lesser Known Symptoms of Menopause
1. Sensation of Crawling Bugs on Skin
Menopause might make your skin crawl, quite literally for some. In one study, more than 10 percent of women reported experiencing formication during menopause—a peculiar sensation that feels like ants or bugs crawling on or under the skin.2. Burning Mouth Syndrome
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) affects up to a third of menopausal women, manifesting as a persistent burn on the tongue, lips, or throughout the mouth. This condition often occurs without any visible oral health problems.3. Hair Loss (and Gain)
Finding hair on your “chinny chin chin?” You’re not alone. Menopause can increase hair growth in unexpected areas, a condition known as hirsutism. This includes hair growth on the chin, upper lip, chest, back, and abdomen. The cause of this is a relative increase in androgens, or male hormones, during this life stage.4. Electric Shock Sensations
Feeling zapped? Menopause might be to blame. Some women undergoing menopause report experiencing electric shock sensations in their bodies. These sudden, sharp zaps, primarily felt in the head or extremities, are thought to be connected to the hormonal rollercoaster that is menopause. These shock sensations may either accompany a hot flash or occur independently.5. Aches and Pains
Research indicates that up to 71 percent of women post-menopause suffer from muscle aches and joint pain, often misidentified as a sign of aging. This discomfort is linked to declining estrogen levels, which have a protective role in joint health and bone density. Lower estrogen can lead to swollen, painful joints and an increased risk of osteoporosis, characterized by weakened, brittle bones.6. Changes in Body Odor
As menopause approaches, many women experience a subtle yet noticeable change in body odor. This shift is partly due to altered olfactory senses during perimenopause, making one’s own scent seem more intense.7. Phantom Periods
As if the menopausal journey wasn’t perplexing enough, many women encounter what are known as “phantom periods.” Imagine the usual suspects of a menstrual cycle—abdominal cramps, fatigue, breast tenderness—but without any actual bleeding.8. Cold Flashes
While hot flashes are a well-known hallmark of menopause, their less discussed counterpart, cold flashes, can be just as impactful. Cold flashes are a surprising symptom that many women experience during menopause, characterized by sudden chills or feelings of intense coldness, often accompanied by shivering.9. Visual changes
If you find yourself squinting a bit more at the fine print, it may be more than aging eyes. Menopause often ushers in vision and eye health changes. Dry eyes, a common complaint, emerge as estrogen levels, which influence tear production, wane. This can lead to discomfort, a gritty sensation in the eyes, and sometimes even blurred vision.10. Feeling Off Balance
Menopause can unexpectedly tip the scales on a woman’s sense of balance, introducing sensations of dizziness or equilibrium-related challenges. Women may feel unsteady or dizzy, symptoms that can arise without warning and disrupt daily life.11. Forgetfulness
If you’ve recently forgotten Uncle Joe’s birthday or where you left your keys, menopause might be playing a role. Alongside the well-known physical symptoms, menopause often ushers in subtle yet significant cognitive changes. Women traversing this life stage frequently report moments of forgetfulness, challenges in maintaining focus, and a general feeling of being less mentally sharp.The Educational Void in Menopause Awareness
Ms. Rafiq’s experience highlights a significant gap in menopause education, revealing a lack of comprehensive understanding among both health care providers and women themselves.Dr. Thacker highlights this oversight, noting, “Most women are educated on menstruation, contraception, childbearing, and lactation but then just stop investigating the female lifecycle. Not sure if it’s cultural or the focus only on younger women. It’s still a mystery to me why more women aren’t interested and proactive about this part of their life.”
Health experts also warn against the common oversimplification that attributes all health issues during menopause solely to this phase. Menopause is not necessarily the root cause of every symptom, as hormonal changes can vary widely. This understanding calls for a careful evaluation of health concerns in menopausal women to ensure they are not hastily labeled as menopause-related without proper investigation.
Menopause represents not just a phase of coping with symptoms but an opportunity for education and empowerment. By filling the knowledge gap and providing comprehensive information about menopause, we can transform its perception and management, enabling women to make more informed decisions about their health during this pivotal stage of life.