A worrying trifecta of reasons...
How Prescriptions Became a Leading Cause of Death
By Marina Zhang
A worrying trifecta of reasons
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Are You Drinking Water the Wrong Way?
By Camille Su
5 common mistakes
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Epoch Times Subscriber
Great source of journalism as it should be published. We currently have an abundance of corrupt and biased sources of communication. Thankfully Epoch Times is a resource for honest journalism not biased toward Socialist and Communist ideology.
Epoch Times Subscriber
Epoch Times Subscriber
The Epoch Times puts out relevant, interesting, and thought-invoking articles that help us make sense of the world around us and allow us to draw our own conclusions (or confirm them) using a number of sources. I am thankful and grateful that TET publishes stories that are considered controversial or out there, and is not afraid to get the word out about any of it. If the TET were the mainstay of national media, Americans would be greatly informed with the right and correct info about the world around us. I greatly appreciate all the stuff they publish and have found it great to have a trustworthy news source.